See us at the Wanaka A & P Show at site Q55, 7-8 March 2025!

Changing the Industry


Running on a Flexi Tank

Recently one of our customers, Grant Boyde, was interviewed by Ross Nolly for an article in the Dairy Farmer October 2021 publication. Grant has a 300m3 Flexible Effluent Tank installed at his 65 hectare farm in Taranaki.

When Grant and Anissa Boyde’s effluent consent was coming up for renewal they realised that time had come for an upgrade. Their current system was proving problematical to manage, especially in light of the upcoming (at the time) 190kg N/ha cap on synthetic nitrogen fertiliser.

It was great to hear the Flexi Tank system was working so well for Grant and Anissa. “the Flexi Tank has proved to be a versatile system for the Boydes’ farm. It is a simple system, with little to go wrong or break down. They can store more effluent, apply it efficiently and better utilise it.”

This is exactly what the Flexi Tanks mission is all about – to deliver smart liquid storage solutions which are fit for purpose and give total peace of mind.

Have a read of the full article for yourself via the below link – Page 60-61.

Dairy Farmer Oct 21 Publication

Or for more information about our Flexi Tanks for water or effluent storage contact us today.
P: 07 829 5940 | W:


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