High-Tec Greenhouse
June 5, 2024
Rainwater is collected in the recently installed Flexi Tank, perfect for the size of this operation. Flexi Tank is full and ready to go!
Grower and owner of Aka Aka Produce, Ajit Singh, recently celebrated the completion of and planting in his brand-new one-hectare high-tech Apex Greenhouse in South Auckland. The new greenhouse is a fantastic achievement. Congratulations to owner Ajit Singh who has cont...
large watergreenhouseFire ReserveFire waterSouth island200m3water bladderremote storage10m3500m3Tank RepairSilicaFlexi Tanks NZFieldaysNurseryhorticulturevineyardwater tanksFarmerDairy FarmingAgricultureFarmingGreen Park Landfillliquid storage solutionliquid waste storageMarlboroughWater StorageAll About WaterExpoCentral District FieldDaysEffluent Tanks